Holistic Approach to Obesity

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Quoted From: https://www.etherealaestheticsllc.com/holistic-approach-to-obesity-in-vancouver-wa/

"Obesity as a Recognized Disease
Beyond being a visible concern, obesity is officially recognized as a disease with far-reaching implications for health. The American Medical Association (AMA) took a significant step by classifying obesity as a disease in 2013. This decision aimed to highlight the medical complexities associated with obesity, emphasizing its adverse effects on various physiological functions.
The classification by AMA acknowledges that obesity isn"t merely a lifestyle choice but a medical condition requiring attention and intervention. This recognition is pivotal in shifting the narrative around obesity, prompting a more comprehensive and compassionate approach to its treatment and management.
Understanding the Medical Impact
Obesity, as a disease, is linked to a range of health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and joint problems. The physiological impact of obesity is profound, affecting hormone regulation, metabolism, and overall bodily functions. Moreover, the mental and emotional toll of obesity is significant, with individuals often facing challenges such as reduced mobility, increased risk of depression, and a diminished quality of life."

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