How Holistic Yoga Therapy Helped Me

Why this resource is helpful:

Why do I teach Holistic Yoga Therapy to others?

I used to wake up in the middle of night with a burning sensation in my hips, unable to return to sleep.

My right shoulder ached day and night, and I was often unable to sleep on that side because it hurt so much.

As much as I loved walking and hiking with my dog and hubby I had to take months off moving.

I was even reduced to taking baby steps from my car to the office I hurt so much.

And I was only 36 at the time.
Quoted From:

"I"d love to blame my desk job on the pain I felt, but in truth, the problem wasn"t my career. One could say the rounding in my spine (kyphosis) that I developed as a teenager could be to blame. My parents even sent me to a chiropractor to help straighten me up. But my problem wasn"t something someone else could fix."

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